Get Your Mac Ready For Hacking

Get Ready for the Mac mini Pro. A high-end Mac mini makes more sense than a small Mac Pro. I see your Mac Pro mini and Raise You a Mac mini Pro. Instead of a “Mac Pro mini”, it would make. Twitter Hack For Mac No Survey Adobe Hack Mac Tf2 Achievement Hack Mac How To Hack A Wireless Network Password Mac How To Tell If A Mac Is Hacked Can Someone Hack My Mac And Change Password How.can I Hack Remotely With A Mac Address Are Macs Good For Hacking Mac Wifi Hacking Tools 5 1 Mac Hack. Jan 26, 2017 So for the majority of your overlooked Mac-utilizing programmers out there, my first arrangement of how-tos is for you and will help you conquer the principal leap—setting up a hacking situation. Once that environment is set up, pulling down devices and utilizing them is simple. We’re working on series getting your mac ready for hacking!


Between mid October 2019 and mid February 2020 everyone in the Army was migrated to use their PIV Authentication certificate for Email access. You no longer use the Email certificate for Enterprise Email or any CAC enabled websites

Mac users who choose to upgrade (or already have upgraded) to Mac OS Catalina (10.15.x) or Big Sur (11.xx.x) will need to uninstall all 3rd Party CAC enablers per AND reenable the native smart card ability (very bottom of macuninstall link above)

If you purchased your Mac with OS Catalina (10.15.x) or Big Sur (11.xx.x) already installed, you can skip the uninstall part above and follow the instructions below.

6 'high level' steps needed, follow down the page to make this a painless systematic process

1.Is your CAC reader 'Mac friendly'?
2.Can your Mac 'see' the reader?
3.Verify which version of Mac OS you have
4.Figure out which CAC (ID card) you have
5.Install the DoD certificates
5a.Additional DoD certificate installation instructions for Firefox users
6.Decide which CAC enabler you want to use (except for 10.12-.15 & 11)

Step 1: Is your CAC reader Mac friendly?

Visit the USB Readers page to verify the CAC reader you have is Mac friendly.

Visit the USB-C Readers page to verify the CAC reader you have is Mac friendly.

'Some, not all' CAC readers may need to have a driver installed to make it work.

NOTE: Readers such as: SCR-331 & SCR-3500A may need a firmware update (NO OTHER Readers need firmware updates).

Information about these specific readers are in Step 2

Step 2: Can your Mac 'see' the reader?

Plug the CAC reader into an open USB port before proceeding, give it a few moments to install

Step 2a: Click the Apple Icon in the upper left corner of the desktop, select 'About This Mac'

Step 2b: Click 'System Report..' (button)

Step 2c: Verify the CAC reader shows in Hardware, USB, under USB Device Tree. Different readers will show differently, most readers have no problem in this step. See Step 2c1 for specific reader issues.

Step 2c1: Verify firmware version on your SCR-331, SCR-3310 v.20, GSR-202, 202V, 203, or SCR-3500a reader. If you have a reader other than these 6, Proceed directly to step 3

Step 2c1a-SCR-331 reader

If your reader does not look like this, go to the next step.

In the 'Hardware' drop down, click 'USB.' On the right side of the screen under 'USB Device Tree' the window will display all hardware plugged into the USB ports on your Mac. Look for “SCRx31 USB Smart Card Reader.” If the Smart Card reader is present, look at 'Version' in the lower right corner of this box: If you have a number below 5.25, you need to update your firmware to 5.25. If you are already at 5.25, your reader is installed on your system, and no further hardware changes are required. You can now Quit System Profiler and continue to Step 3.

Step 2c1b-SCR-3310 v2.0 reader

If your reader does not look like this, go to the next step.

In the 'Hardware' drop down, click 'USB.' On the right side of the screen under 'USB Device Tree' the window will display all hardware plugged into the USB ports on your Mac. Look for “SCR3310 v2.0 USB Smart Card Reader.” If the Smart Card reader is present, look at 'Version' in the lower right corner of this box: If you have a number below 6.02, it will not read the 'G+D FIPS 201 SCE 7.0' CAC on Mac OS 11.xx.x or 10.15.7. I contacted HID (the company that makes these readers) on 14 DEC 2020 to find a way to update the firmware to 6.02. They said there is not firmware update for the reader. If your reader is older, you may need a new one. Please look at: to find a compatible one. If you are already at version 6.02, your reader should work fine on your Mac and no further hardware changes are required. You can now Quit System Profiler and continue to Step 3.

Step 2c1c-SCR-3500A reader

If you have the SCR3500A P/N:905430-1 CAC reader,you may need to install this driver, as the one that installs automatically will not work on most Macs. Hold the control key [on your keyboard] when clicking the .pkg file [with your mouse], select [the word] Open

Step 3: Verify which version of MacOS you have?

(You need to know this information for step 6)

Step 3a: Click the Apple Icon in the upper left corner of your desktop and select 'About This Mac'

Step 3b: Look below Mac OS X for: Example: Version 10.X.X, or 11.X

Step 4: Figure out which CAC (ID Card) you have

(You need to know this information for step 6)

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Get Your Mac Ready For Hacking Apps

Look at the top back of your ID card for these card types. If you have any version other than the six shown below, you need to visit an ID card office and have it replaced. All CACs [other than these six] were supposed to be replaced prior to 1 October 2012.

Find out how to flip card over video

Step 5: Install the DoD certificates (for Safari and Chrome Users)

Is there messenger app for mac. Go to Keychain Access

Click: Go (top of screen), Utilities, double click Keychain

(You can also type: keychain access using Spotlight (this is my preferred method))

Select login (under Keychains),and All Items (under Category).

Download the 5 files via links below (you may need to <ctrl> click, select Download Linked File As.. on each link) Save to your downloads folder

Please know.. IF You have any DoD certificates already located in your keychain access, you will need to delete them prior to running the AllCerts.p7b file below.,,,, and

Double click each of the files to install certificates into the login section of keychain

Select the Kind column, verify the arrow is pointing up, scroll down to certificate, look for all of the following certificates:

DOD EMAIL CA-33 through DOD EMAIL CA-34,

DOD EMAIL CA-39 through DOD EMAIL CA-44,

DOD EMAIL CA-49 through DOD EMAIL CA-52,


DOD ID CA-33 through DOD ID CA-34,

DOD ID CA-39 through DOD ID CA-44,

DOD ID CA-49 through DOD ID CA-52,


DOD ID SW CA-35 through DOD ID SW CA-38,

DOD ID SW CA-45 through DOD ID SW CA-48,

DoD Root CA 2 through DoD Root CA 5,

DOD SW CA-53 through DOD SW CA-58, and

DOD SW CA-60 through DOD SW CA-61

NOTE: If you are missing any of the above certificates, you have 2 choices,

1. Delete all of them, and re-run the 5 files above, or

2. Download the file and install each of the certificates you are missing individually.


Error 100001 Solution

Error 100013 Solution

You may notice some of the certificates will have a red circle with a white X . This means your computer does not trust those certificates

You need to manually trust the DoD Root CA 2, 3, 4, & 5 certificates

Double click each of the DoD Root CA certificates, select the triangle next to Trust, in the When using this certificate: select Always Trust, repeat until all 4 do not have the red circle with a white X.

You may be prompted to enter computer password when you close the window

Once you select Always Trust, your icon will have a light blue circle with a white + on it.

The 'bad certs' that have caused problems for Windows users may show up in the keychain access section on some Macs. These need to be deleted / moved to trash.

The DoD Root CA 2 & 3 you are removing has a light blue frame, leave the yellow frame version. The icons may or may not have a red circle with the white x

or DoD Interoperability Root CA 1 or CA 2 certificate
DoD Root CA 2 or 3 (light blue frame ONLY) certificate
or Federal Bridge CA 2016 or 2013 certificate
or Federal Common Policy CAcertificate
or or SHA-1 Federal Root CA G2 certificate
or US DoD CCEB Interoperability Root CA 1 certificate

If you have tried accessing CAC enabled sites prior to following these instructions, please go through this page before proceeding

Clearing the keychain (opens a new page)

Please come back to this page to continue installation instructions.

Step 5a: DoD certificate installation instructions for Firefox users

NOTE: Firefox will not work on Catalina (10.15.x), or last 4 versions of Mac OS if using the native Apple smartcard ability

Download, [remember where you save it].

double click the file (it'll automatically extract into a new folder)


Option 1 to install the certificates (semi automated):

From inside the AllCerts extracted folder, select all of the certificates

<control> click (or Right click) the selected certificates, select Open With, Other..

In the Enable (selection box), change to All Applications

Select Firefox, then Open

You will see several dozen browser tabs open up, let it open as many as it wants.

You will eventually start seeing either of the 2 messages shown next

If the certificate is not already in Firefox, a window will pop up stating 'You have been asked to trust a new Certificate Authority (CA).'

Check all three boxes to allow the certificate to: identify websites, identify email users, and identify software developers


'Alert This certificate is already installed as a certificate authority.' Click OK

Once you've added all of the certificates..
• Click Firefox (word) (upper left of your screen)
• Preferences
• Advanced (tab)
• Press Network under the Advanced Tab
• In the Cached Web Content section, click Clear Now (button).
• Quit Firefox and restart it

Option 2 to install the certificates (very tedious manual):

Click Firefox (word) (upper left of your screen)


Advanced (tab on left side of screen)

Certificates (tab)

View Certificates (button)

Authorities (tab)

Import (button)

Browse to the DoD certificates (AllCerts) extracted folder you downloaded and extracted above.

Note: You have to do this step for every single certificate

Note2: If the certificate is already in Firefox, a window will pop up stating: 'Alert This certificate is already installed as a certificate authority (CA).' Click OK

Note3: If the certificate is not already in Firefox, a window will pop up stating 'You have been asked to trust a new Certificate Authority (CA).'

Check all three boxes to allow the certificate to: identify websites, identify email users, and identify software developers

Once you've added all of the certificates..
• Click Firefox (word) (upper left of your screen)
• Preferences
• Advanced (tab)
• Press Network under the Advanced Tab
• In the Cached Web Content section, click Clear Now (button).
• Quit Firefox and restart it

Step 6: Decide which CAC enabler you can / want to use

Only for Mac El Capitan (10.11.x or older)

After installing the CAC enabler, restart the computer and go to a CAC enabled website

NOTE: Mac OS Sierra (10.12.x), High Sierra (10.13.x), Mojave (10.14.x), Catalina (10.15.x), and Big Sur (11.1) computers no longer need a CAC Enabler.

Try to access the CAC enabled site you need to access now

Mac support provided by: Michael Danberry

Get Your Mac Ready For Hacking Free

Nowadays, for most of us, it is easy to believe that we are completely safe on theWeb. Modern life makes us choose one of the endless websites that we are part of. When we consider the real-life chance that an individual will be hacked in a given year, we find it impossible not to think of something we’ve heard so many computer users say: “It won’t happen to me.”

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What are the chances you’ll get hacked? If we look at some examples:

  • A couple of years ago the National Cyber Security Alliance estimated the chances of a small business being hacked at 20% each year
  • More figures from the UK show that there were 2.5 Million recorded cyber-crimes in Britain in 2014. Despite this accounting for ten percent of the population, KPMG commented on the release of the study that due to so many incidents being unreported, the true figure was probably far higher.

This suggests that compiling a range of studies places the annual percentage of getting hacked (in some way) at just below 31% – around a 1 in 3 chance. Yes, one could be pedantic about the sample sizes, but these studies are often rather subjective. We still arrive at around a 1 in 3 chance of being hacked, even after being cautious with the numbers.

It is hard for users to remember one specific password for each site. That makes a lot easier for a single person with minimum knowledge to break our security and get access to our info. We are vulnerable. Just this year, passwords like “123456” are still very popular among people.

We are living in a digital world, where we make almost any kind of transaction using the Internet. We use passwords every day for email and other accounts.

The security policies of many of websites leave information completely exposed. Every day, people develop a new program or new technique to crack our security. There are articles that explain how a hacker can crack your account password very easily, just using a variety of programs like a simple password-guessing program. This program makes multiple guesses until the password is fully cracked. The program may take a few minutes or a century; it depends on the complexity of the password. Other methods like key loggers consist of hardware devices attached to your computer that can copy your information through keywords that you use to access the accounts. Hacking through phones is another way for these people to steal your data. Using programs that can duplicate what you see on your phone, it is relatively easy for them to get your password from your phone.

These hackers can scam every person who has a personal account. They can spy on what you search, by knowing what you been looking for, that’s an easy way to let you give them all they need.

You may be wondering how exactly you could get hacked? The first thing to know is that the days where all you had to worry about were pesky Windows viruses are long gone. Much hacking nowadays starts with a little social engineering and trickery before the actual techie stuff starts.

So, with that in mind, I’ll begin my round-up of some of the key flavors of hacking with the activity I almost fell victim to recently: Phishing.

Phishing is maybe the most used technique for hackers to get your password because the cost and creation is excessively easy. It consists of creating a false application or false message to get the user to supply all o their information into a site that can copy that immediately. Your bank account and your email account are easy targets for these kind of programs.

Download 2 d design for macs. Stealers are another kind of hacker. Many people using the browser leave their information floating there. It takes nothing for a person with knowledge to get those numbers or letters that keep him away from all your data.

Although a traditional antivirus product is still commonly seen as the first line of defense in computer security, “old school” viruses and Trojans seem (subjectively) to be falling out of favor somewhat with cyber-criminals. Antivirus software, email software, and even operating systems themselves have toughened up against these “traditional” threats in recent years, leading many criminals to move into the more lucrative phishing and others activities described above.

On the other hand, websites lock your account automatically after 2 or 3 attempts. If you use a simple password that is not so hard to break it.

Get Your Mac Ready For Hacking Version

This type of cracking is when the hacker is pretending to be you. If you consider password composed of letters, numbers, and symbols that are roughly 100 combinations per character a five-character password will have 10 billion combinations, it seems like a lot of time, but a hacker can break a password like this, in 10 seconds.

For example, you can put more characters in your password to be more protected:

  • 5 characters = 10 seconds
  • 6 characters = 1,000 seconds
  • 7 characters = 1 day
  • 8 characters = 115 days
  • 9 characters = 31 years
  • 10 characters = 3,000 years

Here’s a list of common ways to be more efficient with your passwords:

  • Capitalizing the first letter of a word.
  • Checking all combinations of upper/lower case for words.
  • Inserting a number randomly in the word.
  • Putting numbers on the ends of words.
  • Putting numbers on the beginning of words.
  • Putting the same pattern at both ends, like *foobar*.

This is why you need long passwords. Hackers can usually break anything with seven characters or fewer. They would be unlikely to guess a password that is composed of nine characters or more, combined with symbols. It would take almost a century to break such a password. People need to be more aware of this thing if we expect to be secure on the web. We can use multiple techniques to make our password safer. Hackers can use many tricks, dictionary attacks if you use lower and upper case, combinations of many letters in symbols with international characters like a vowel with an umlaut that will take any password hacker out. You should remember this advice any time you get into new websites that require a secure password.

The protection that you get depends on how creative you can be. Remember the common phrase “If you can remember it someone else can figure out.” The safest password that you can put on your accounts are random passwords that are very hard to remember, but that is very difficult to do. Research also indicates that people only have the ability to remember about 10 passwords.

The odd solution is to forget about your password. While it may seem less productive, the best way to remember your password is to create one that you are going to forget, random strings are hard times for hackers.

Also, there are companies that provide that kind of service for you. They protect your accounts from these problems, and they have programs that can generate multiple passwords in seconds that make your accounts almost unbreakable.

If we keep any important information on the web, we must expect that someone, somewhere around the world is waiting to steal that from us. In an era where everything is connected, it is exhausting to hide our information, such as with social media sites.

People are more vulnerable to hackers or scams of any kind. The freedom that social media provides for people to see it all in our profile put us in a very dangerous place if we don’t consider learning about tricks or advice that protect us from those people.

There are going to be times when you can lose your bank account, your credit card code, or email without you even noticing it. That kind of knowledge is something that we must acquire. The Internet has a lot of advantages but also has disadvantages. It has a dark part which can be reduced if we follow the recommendations. Not only with programs that can generate passwords in a few seconds.

Hackers can redirect our information to themselves. One of the most used ways for these people to get your information are malicious websites, where if we click in one of the many links that they have, they send some virus to your computer that can crash it or can copy all your files immediately. They can lure you with the promise of winning something, some chat, or invitation from a social media site; there are many ways that you can get into one of these. You can avoid them if you don’t go to some sites that have a bad reputation. You can update your computer and antivirus software to avoid any propagation of threats.

Through black hat techniques or SEO (Search Engine Optimization), hackers can locate their websites on the top of the web seeker by using these programs. You must avoid any type of poll on the web, giving personal information online can give hackers free access to your personal accounts. Download applications only from certificated websites and don’t get into risky ones, or ones that have bad reviews, despite everything we mention on this report.

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The most important thing you can do is to be complex with your passwords, is the main point of this. It is very easy for a hacker to crack your password if you don’t follow any of this advice.

Get Your Mac Ready For Hacking Software

Here’s a short list of all we’ve been talking about to keep you safe:

  1. Be deeply suspicious while you’re online! If you get an email from a company telling you to change your password, don’t click the link. Go directly to what you know is their legitimate website.
  2. Never download attachments from sources you’re unfamiliar with, even if you’ve been convinced you’ve won $1000!
  3. Use a VPN solution like Express VPN for all your online activity to increase your security and privacy, and make it harder for people to learn about you and what you do online – it could be used against you by a criminal or provide some extra clues for a phishing attack. You’ll find a list of recommended VPNs for Windows here and for Mac here.
  4. Use antivirus software and keep it up to date – and yes that does apply to Mac users!
  5. Never reveal anything to do with your online life to anyone who calls you on the phone. Microsoft will never phone you because they’ve discovered a problem on your computer.

Get Your Mac Ready For Hacking Windows 10

If you are predictable or apply the simple and shortest password for all your accounts, you are going to get hacked. If you get into some sites that you know are risky, and you don’t put any effort to protect your information, you are going to get hacked. It is so easy for a skillful hacker to leave you without a thing. The cost of being lazy with your protection on the web can be really high.