C Library Mac

The Library directories are where the system and your code store all of their related data and resources. In macOS, this directory can contain many different subdirectories, most of which are created automatically by the system. In iOS, the app installer creates only a few subdirectories in ~/Library (such as Caches and Preferences) and your app is responsible for creating all others.

  1. C Library Macon
  2. C Library State Machine
  3. C Library Max

Table A-1 lists some of the common subdirectories you might find in a Library directory in macOS along with the types of files that belong there. You should always use these directories for their intended purposes. For information about the directories your app should be using the most, see The Library Directory Stores App-Specific Files.

Euclib C Geometry Library is available for Mac OS X 10.4 as well as Windows. The library is compatible with Objective-C development. Each library is priced at US$300.00 or $400.00 for both. The Library Folder on your Mac contains Preference Files, Caches, and Application Support Data. While regular Mac users may not find the need to access the Hidden Library Folder, advanced Mac users will at times come across the need to access files inside the Library Folder for troubleshooting and other purposes.

Table A-1 Subdirectories of the Library directory


Directory contents

Application Support

Contains all app-specific data and support files. These are the files that your app creates and manages on behalf of the user and can include files that contain user data.

By convention, all of these items should be put in a subdirectory whose name matches the bundle identifier of the app. For example, if your app is named MyApp and has the bundle identifier com.example.MyApp, you would put your app’s user-specific data files and resources in the ~/Library/Application Support/com.example.MyApp/ directory. Your app is responsible for creating this directory as needed.

Resources required by the app to run must be placed inside the app bundle itself.


Contains programs that assist users in configuration or other tasks.


Contains audio plug-ins, loops, and device drivers.

Autosave Information

Contains app-specific autosave data.


Contains cached data that can be regenerated as needed. Apps should never rely on the existence of cache files. Cache files should be placed in a directory whose name matches the bundle identifier of the app.

By convention, apps should store cache files in a subdirectory whose name matches the bundle identifier of the app. For example, if your app is named MyApp and has the bundle identifier com.example.MyApp, you would put user-specific cache files in the ~/Library/Caches/com.example.MyApp/ directory.


Contains resources for picking colors according to a certain model, such as the HLS (Hue Angle, Saturation, Lightness) picker or RGB picker.


Contains ColorSync profiles and scripts.


Contains system bundles and extensions.


Contains the home directories for any sandboxed apps. (Available in the user domain only.)

Contextual Menu Items

Contains plug-ins for extending system-level contextual menus.


Contains data files with web browser cookies.


Contains data used by Xcode and other developer tools.


Contains language dictionaries for the spell checker.


Contains documentation files and Apple Help packages intended for the users and administrators of the computer. (Apple Help packages are located in the Documentation/Help directory.) In the local domain, this directory contains the help packages shipped by Apple (excluding developer documentation).


Contains device drivers and other kernel extensions.


Contains aliases to frequently accessed folders, files, or websites. (Available in the user domain only.)


Contains font files for both display and printing.


Contains frameworks and shared libraries. The Frameworks directory in the system domain is for Apple-provided frameworks only. Developers should install their custom frameworks in either the local or user domain.

Internet Plug-ins

Contains plug-ins, libraries, and filters for web-browser content.


Contains keyboard definitions.


Specifies the agent apps to launch and run for the current user.


Specifies the daemons to launch and run as root on the system.


Contains log files for the console and specific system services. Users can also view these logs using the Console app.


Contains the user’s mailboxes. (Available in the user domain only.)


Contains plug-ins for the System Preferences app. Developers should install their custom preference panes in the local domain.


Contains the user’s preferences. You should never create files in this directory yourself. To get or set preference values, you should always use the NSUserDefaults class or an equivalent system-provided interface.


In the system and local domains, this directory contains print drivers, PPD plug-ins, and libraries needed to configure printers. In the user domain, this directory contains the user’s available printer configurations.


Contains QuickLook plug-ins. If your app defines a QuickLook plug-in for viewing custom document types, install it in this directory (user or local domains only).


Contains QuickTime components and extensions.

Turning on the camera on a Mac is easy: just start using an app that calls for photo or video. These include Photo Booth, FaceTime, Skype, and others. When you commence a Skype call or FaceTime. You can decide which apps are allowed to use the camera on your Mac. See Control access to your camera. Turn the camera on: On your Mac, open an app or turn on a feature that can use the camera. A green light beside the camera glows to indicate that the camera is on. Test your Mac webcam Open the Applications folder. Select the Photo Booth icon. Plug your USB external camera into the USB port, if you’re using one. Test camera on macbook air. Select the checkbox next to an app to allow it to access your camera. Deselect the checkbox to turn off access for that app. If you turn off access for an app, you’re asked to turn it on again the next time that app tries to use your camera. Click the 'Photobooth' icon on your MacBook's dock or from the 'Applications'.

Screen Savers

Contains screen saver definitions. See Screen Saver Framework Reference for a description of the interfaces used to create screen saver plug-ins.

Scripting Additions

Contains scripts and scripting resources that extend the capabilities of AppleScript.


Contains system alert sounds.


(Deprecated) Contains system and third-party scripts and programs to be run at boot time. (See Daemons and Services Programming Guide for more information about starting up processes at boot time.)

Web Server

Contains web server content. This directory contains the CGI scripts and webpages to be served. (Available in the local domain only.)

Copyright © 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2018-04-09

< C Programming
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A library in C is a collection of header files, exposed for use by other programs. The library therefore consists of an interface expressed in a .h file (named the 'header') and an implementation expressed in a .c file. This .c file might be precompiled or otherwise inaccessible, or it might be available to the programmer. (Note: Libraries may call functions in other libraries such as the Standard C or math libraries to do various tasks.)

The format of a library varies with the operating system and compiler one is using. For example, in the Unix and Linux operating systems, a library consists of one or more object files, which consist of object code that is usually the output of a compiler (if the source language is C or something similar) or an assembler (if the source language is assembly language). These object files are then turned into a library in the form of an archive by the ar archiver (a program that takes files and stores them in a bigger file without regard to compression). The filename for the library usually starts with 'lib' and ends with '.a'; e.g. the libc.a file contains the Standard C library and the 'libm.a' the mathematics routines, which the linker would then link in. Other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows use a '.lib' extension for libraries and an '.obj' extension for object files. Some programs in the Unix environment such as lex and yacc generate C code that can be linked with the libl and liby libraries to create an executable.

We're going to use as an example a library that contains one function: a function to parse arguments from the command line. Skype screen share windows 10. Arguments on the command line could be by themselves:

have an optional argument that is concatenated to the letter:

or have the argument in a separate argv-element:

The library also has four declarations that it exports in addition to the function: three integers and a pointer to the optional argument. If the argument does not have an optional argument, the pointer to the optional argument will be null.

In order to parse all these types of arguments, we have written the following 'getopt.c' file:

C Library Macon

The interface would be the following 'getopt.h' file:

At a minimum, a programmer has the interface file to figure out how to use a library, although, in general, the library programmer also wrote documentation on how to use the library. In the above case, the documentation should say that the provided arguments **argv and *opts both shouldn't be null pointers (or why would you be using the getopt function anyway?). Specifically, it typically states what each parameter is for and what return values can be expected in which conditions. Programmers that use a library, are normally not interested in the implementation of the library -- unless the implementation has a bug, in which case he would want to complain somehow.


Both the implementation of the getopts library, and programs that use the library should state #include 'getopt.h', in order to refer to the corresponding interface. Now the library is 'linked' to the program -- the one that contains the main() function. The program may refer to dozens of interfaces.

In some cases, just placing #include 'getopt.h' may appear correct but will still fail to link properly. This indicates that the library is not installed correctly, or there may be some additional configuration required. You will have to check either the compiler's documentation or library's documentation on how to resolve this issue.

What to put in header files[edit]

C Library State Machine

As a general rule, headers should contain any declarations and macro definitions (preprocessor #defines) to be 'seen' by the other modules in a program.

Possible declarations:

  • struct, union, and enum declarations
  • typedef declarations
  • external function declarations
  • global variable declarations
C library macomb

C Library Max

In the above getopt.h example file, one function (getopt) is declared and four global variables (optind, optopt, optarg, and opterr) are also declared. The variables are declared with the storage class specifier extern in the header file because that keyword specifies that the 'real' variables are stored elsewhere (i.e. the getopt.c file) and not within the header file.

The #ifndef GETOPT_H/#define GETOPT_H trick is colloquially called include guards. This is used so that if the getopt.h file were included more than once in a translation unit, the unit would only see the contents once. Alternatively, #pragma once in a header file can also be used to achieve the same thing in some compilers (#pragma is an unportable catchall).

Linking Libraries Into Executables[edit]

Linking libraries into executables varies by operating system and compiler/linker used. In Unix, directories of linked object files can be specified with the -L option to the cc command and individual libraries are specified with the -l (small ell) option. The -lm option specifies that the libm math library should be linked in, for example.


  • 'How do I use extern to share variables between source files in C?'.
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